Celebrating Military Spouse Appreciation Day: The Roundtable

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What do you get when you put one active-duty military spouse nearing retirement and three retired military spouses in a room together? Laughter, mentorship, advice, memories, and new friends. Welcome to the inaugural MilSpouse Transition Roundtable,  offering conversations and advice from transitioned spouses to a military spouse just starting their journey.

Airing on Friday, May 10th in honor of Military Spouse Appreciation Day, it's an inspiring, heartfelt, real, and raw conversation offering support, understanding, and the realization that despite vastly different experiences we can all relate to the highs and lows of the journey.

Maria Reed, Moving with the Military (Active)
Heidi Dindial, Booze, Allen, Hamilton (Retired 6 months)
Genevieve Kruger, PZI International Group (Retired 1.5 years)
(Me!) Anna Larson, MilSpouse Transition (Retired 3 years)

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Celebrating Military Spouse Appreciation Day: The Roundtable

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